Bristol Acupuncture

Acupuncturist Neil Kingham has been practicing traditional Chinese acupuncture in Bristol for 14 years. The Bristol acupuncture clinic is on Cheltenham Rd (BS6)

  • Painless to receive
  • Treats underlying causes
  • Restores balance
  • Suitable for a wide range of conditions
  • For Physical, Mental & Emotional Conditions

What Can Acupuncture Treat?

The benefits of acupuncture have been widely researched. A World Health Organisation (WHO) report found acupuncture benefits over 90 different symptoms or conditions as diverse as insomnia, depression, headaches, lower back pain and sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis, acne and many others. Reports from the British medical Association (BMA) and the House Of Lords Science and Technology Committee also recognise the benefits of acupuncture.

For more information on, see conditions treated

What Does Acupuncture Feel Like?

Acupuncture involves the insertion of small, hair-thin needles into the body at specific points in order to treat illness and maintain health.

The experience of receiving acupuncture therapy for the 1st time is normally a pleasant surprise, as the technique used by the acupuncture practitioner and the small size of the needles ensures that it is as pain-free as possible. In fact, most people find that an acupuncture treatment is pleasant and relaxing.

The needles are generally left in place for between 10 minutes and half an hour, and afterwards, there is normally no mark or any kind of sign that they have been there at all!

I have treated plenty of people before who are scared of needles, who have found that they actually come to enjoy acupuncture treatment. However, if you really can’t face the idea, you could consider Tui Na, which uses acupressure and can be used as a kind of ‘acupuncture without needles.’

At my Bristol acupuncture practice, strict codes of professional conduct are followed, with hygiene and safety of paramount importance. The acupuncture needles are pre-sterilised, and are used only once and then disposed of, and all equipment used is of the highest quality and conforms to all relevant safety regulations. Your details are held securely and in complete confidence.

How Does Traditional Acupuncture Work?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), good health is seen as a state of balanced, harmonious functioning of all  aspects of body and mind. In this state, the organs of the body work effectively, there is no pain or discomfort, energy levels are high, the mind is clear and focused, and the emotions are balanced.

In Chinese medical terms, this means having strong and free-flowing Qi. Acupuncture works by strengthening and regulating your Qi to restore good health and wellbeing.

Any illness, condition or health problem is seen in terms of imbalance. If you are experiencing symptoms (either physical, mental or emotional) then something must be out of balance, and my job is to determine what that imbalance is. Acupuncture is a holistic treatment – The aim is always to identify and treat the underlying cause of the problem, and not just the symptoms.

There are over 360 acupuncture points all over the body, and each has a different effect. For instance, there are points that reduce pain, points that increase energy levels, and points that regulate the digestive system. Depending on the nature of your imbalance, and your exact symptoms, I will choose a set of acupuncture points (normally around 8-12) that will have the best possible effect on your condition or problem.

Acupuncture patientWhat To Expect

Your first acupuncture consultation and treatment at the Bristol Acupuncture Practice will last up to one and a half hours, with the majority of this time given to the consultation. You will be asked about your condition, medical history and general health such as sleeping patterns, energy levels, diet, and lifestyle.

Neil will also take your pulse and examine your tongue. Subsequent visits will be shorter and will normally last no more than an hour.

The acupuncture needles will be inserted into specific points that relate to your condition and Chinese diagnosis. These will often be around the affected area, but may also be in different parts of the body. The exact position of the needles is different from person to person, reflecting the individual differences between us.

It’s best to wear loose, comfortable clothing.

Where Is It Available?

Neil’s Bristol Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Clinic is situated on Cheltenham Road, Bristol (at the bottom of Gloucester Road, near ‘the arches’)

For more details and maps, please visit the clinics page

For more information, or to book your free 30-minute discovery session, just call or email