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About Neil
Neil is a firm advocate of the use of Chinese health practices in the pursuit of optimum health.
He believes that holistic Chinese medicine techniques remain the best way to treat illness and improve health on all levels and is dedicated to spreading this message far and wide.
He teaches that everyone can improve their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, in a constant and ongoing 'Radiant Health Evolution'.
If you want to experience that evolution for yourself, you're in the right place.
Recommended Reading: ‘Nourishing Broth’ by Sally Fallon Morell
/in Nutrition & Healing Foods, Recommended Reading /by Neil KI’m a big fan of the broth. There has always seemed something magical about real, home-made stock, both for culinary purposes (it makes everything taste great) and for healing purposes (it makes me feel great!) This book explains why, with plenty of simple advice on how to make the perfect broth, research and history, and […]
Meditation: Alters your brain and reduces racism
/in Meditation /by Neil KThere’s loads of research going on at the moment about the effects of meditation, and 2 recent studies show that meditating causes physical changes to your brain, and reduces racism! How big is your precuneus? Apparently, “people who feel happiness more intensely, feel sadness less intensely, and are more able to find meaning in life […]
Chinese Medicine Treatments For Acne
/in Acupuncture, Bristol, Diseases / Conditions /by Neil KWhen I was a teenager I had terrible acne, and I remember how debilitating it was at the time. At that time of life, I was especially aware of how I appeared to others, and it bothered me that my face was covered in spots. Looking for help, I went to my GP who prescribed […]
Damp Clearing Mackerel with Salsa Verde
/1 Comment/in Guest Posts, Healing Recipes /by Kate WatersSalsa Verdi is one of those wonderful side dishes that can brighten up any dish where there is a strong tasting meat or fish. I have been making different versions of this Italian staple for years, paring it with lamb and spicy aubergines, or even just baked tomatoes! It’s one of those dishes that you […]
Acupuncture For Hay Fever / Allergic Rhinitis
/in Acupuncture, Bristol, Diseases / Conditions, Spring /by Neil KIf part of you is dreading the approach of late Spring, and the pollen it will bring, acupuncture may hold the answer. Chinese medicine provides an effective and side-effect free holistic for treatment of hay fever, which has been approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO) who say that “In controlled studies, it has been […]
The 2 Keys To Maximizing Your Energy Levels
/in Chinese Medicine, Diseases / Conditions, Nutrition & Healing Foods, Qi Gong /by Neil KIf you want to boost your energy levels there are 2 main ways to to do it. And the Chinese character for qi (or ‘chi’) tells you everything you need to know – if only you know how to decode it. So allow me to unpick it for you… The Meaning Of Qi Qi (or […]
Recipe: Easy Dhal
/1 Comment/in Healing Recipes /by Neil KLast weekend I made a very simple Dahl for my Chinese Nutritional Therapy students, and as there was a high level of interest in this lovely, simple, and tasty dish, I thought I’d post a basic recipe here. This lightly spiced lentil dish is very versatile. You can serve it with rice or naan bread, […]
Chinese New Year – Goat / Sheep
/in Chinese Zodiac /by Neil KThe 19th Feb 2015 is Chinese New Year, when we enter the Year of The Goat (Also sometimes called The Year Of The Sheep) According to the Chinese Zodiac, Goats/Sheep are know for being on the whole contented and peaceful, so this year should be easier and calmer than the preceding horse year of 2014. […]
Magical Moxa – How Acupuncturists Harness The Power Of Fire
/in Acupuncture, Yang Sheng /by Neil KEveryone has heard of acupuncture these days, but a lot of people still don’t know about moxa (or moxibustion) – A powerful additional tool in the acupuncturist’s toolbox. Moxibustion is the technical name for the burning of the herb called moxa (Chinese mugwort) to provide heat and provide an alternative way of stimulating acupoints, channels […]